
Bolt Removal Services

Patriot International specialises in efficient and safe bolt removal services essential for decommissioning industrial structures. Our advanced techniques and experienced team ensure minimal downtime and project safety, using methods that clean and recycle old bolts effectively.

Mechanical Disassembly and Unbolting

Our specialised bolt removal services utilise advanced mechanical disassembly methods such as cable shearing, nut splitting, and flange separation. These precision techniques enable the efficient extraction of bolts from both offshore platforms and onshore plants. Our skilled technicians excel in unbolting operations, dismantling flanged pipework, equipment, and bolted structures with precision. We also focus on cutting and removing metallic pipework and bolts, ensuring seamless and safe extraction from complex structures. Our goal is to provide reliable and effective solutions tailored to your specific decommissioning needs.

Mechanical Completion & Commissioning - Preparation

Get in Touch: Contact Patriot International

Have questions or ready to start a conversation? We're here to help. Reach out to Patriot International via phone, email, or the contact form below, and let us assist you in finding the perfect solution for your business.

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